Commentlist of Taipei

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20150801 13:13 Marleen : Happy Saturday, 90s :) coffee hot
20150803 00:25 Marleen : Don't know how this happen, but, now my laptop keyboard is working great.... happy cause I love this old laptop :)
20150806 00:19 Yippee : HI, everyone! This day is just running away with me. I guess I just have enough chores and mischief to keep me busy. Hope you all are having a great day!
20150811 02:18 Yippee : Hi, Flubby, all's well hiere in Michiigan.
20150813 22:24 Yippee : Hi, everyone! Too hot around here. Hope the weather is treating you better. Think fall!
20150818 19:10 Yippee : Hi, everyone. Kind of a rainy looking day.Isn't raining yet, tho. At least it is a bit cooler, which I truly appreciate. Hope you all are having a great day, too.
20150818 19:15 Yippee : I was out taking pictures with my new camera. I found some trees with red and yellow leaves. Do you think that fall is right around the corner? Sure hope so!
20150818 19:20 Yippee : We were out looking to find swan babies. We have to drive a long ways to see them, and no one was home in the pond when we got there. Big disappointment!!!! Maybe next week.
20150824 00:07 Marleen : Good Evening all hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Coffee hot :)
20150829 19:37 Yippee : Good afternoon! Just popped in to wish you all a fantastic day. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, a great day for you and me! Smile!
20150830 19:44 FLUBBY : hi weather here the same in the 90s
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