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20171003 03:30 jimbo : try "gone""
20171003 16:42 GHiler : Missing my husband and son as they are in Ireland this week
20171003 16:47 GHiler : Jimbo, Gone is a good thinking game. Thank you.
20171004 01:23 jimbo : God's Country Ireland
20171004 20:54 Marleen : Finally got 'gone' good game Jimbo
20171005 12:43 Marleen : Jimbo
20171005 12:43 Marleen : Sorry about that, Jimbo... friends is a good one too :)
20171006 01:55 FLUBBY : jimbo nice game
20171009 17:07 Yippee : Good morning, all. Guess I'll have to open the diner today. Coffee is hot. Have a cuppa, and a great day!
20171009 19:09 GHiler : Great coffee - boys made it home safe and sound
20171009 23:05 jimbo : I really missed you gals and pals.Most of my family are gone-all my aunts and uncles-around 26.Schoolmates and work friends too.I really felt great getting mail from Flubby and Marleens beautiful Xmas
20171009 23:10 jimbo : gifts.I am out of practice tried bowl 6 times without winning.Some of the new games are very good.Married 51 years now.Wife has MS and is memory is going but I still love her as much as before,maybe
20171009 23:14 jimbo : more.We will be together as long as GOD lets us and we will be together forever in heaven.Wonder if we will have to remarry ?LOVE 2 ALL YOU WONDERFUL FRIENDS.
20171010 17:07 GHiler : Jimbo, it took me a few times but finally beat BOWL - very good thinking game
20171010 20:04 GHiler : Made a new game DOT try it you might like it
20171010 23:20 Marleen : Jimbo you have us beat, on 17th we are 47years xo
20171010 23:34 Marleen : Dot dot dot dot Dot fun one xo
20171011 14:32 GHiler : Today is mu daddy's, BFF, and another friend birthday, great day to have been born. Wish my dad had lived to meet my husband and son. 11/7 will be our 25th
20171011 19:38 Yippee : Good afternoon, everyone. The sun is shining, the trees are fall colorful. Maybe I
20171011 19:39 Yippee : I'll go out a-wandering around and see what there is to see.
20171011 22:33 jimbo : Back in the saddle again..Beat Bowl..Marleen the first 48 ARE THE EASY. Many years ago I designed Bowl to be the hardest game.Might be.Will figure out odds. LOVE2ALL
20171013 22:45 GHiler : NEW GAME NEW GAME - divided - don't think it is too hard so enjoy
20171014 22:15 jimbo : Ding Dong ! Avon Calling !
20171015 00:56 Yippee : It is getting cold and dark out there.Think I'll curl up under a blanket and read a book for awhile. And get a hot cuppa coffee, while I'm at it. Have fun, everyone!
20171015 21:00 Marleen : WOW ... Avon was a hard one, but, I got it :) thanks Jimbo...
20171015 21:04 Marleen : Thanks Ginnie, finally got 'divided' :)
20171015 21:56 Yippee : Good afternoon, all. A weird day out there today. Rain, sunshine, clouds. Just depends on which wat you are looking. Beats last night, tho, I peekid out, and the guound was white!
20171015 22:19 Yippee : And, of course it was thundering last night, too.
20171015 22:29 Yippee : Now thunder storms scare my little housecat. She goes and hides under the couch. And, by the way, what does one call a thundering hail (Graupel ?) storm?
20171016 00:21 jimbo : My new handle is
20171016 15:43 GHiler : Jimbo, great game Avon
20171016 18:53 Marleen : Bet and It are new... enjoy
20171016 20:35 GHiler : Man oh man Marleen IT was tough to beat
20171017 16:53 GHiler : BET is also a good game to crack
20171017 17:53 Marleen : Ginnie, thanks, "it" took me a few tries too :)
20171020 23:09 jimbo : marleen---tube great game
20171021 19:23 Marleen : Jimbo, Mar/Gin fun one:)
20171022 17:09 GHiler : Jimbo, loved your new game
20171023 03:25 jimbo : Ginnie---4 corners is a tough and great game!
20171023 19:24 GHiler : Jimbo that is my favorite game
20171024 17:55 Yippee : Good morning, all! A windy, cold, and rainy day. Where, oh, where is my sunshine? Do YOU have it?
20171024 18:06 GHiler : We have sunshine but very windy and chilly
20171024 18:35 Yippee : ah,ha! Now I know who has it. Can you send some up this-a-way? I shouldn't be complaining, at least it isn't snowing!
20171024 19:55 GHiler : If it is chilly then it should be snowing
20171024 20:08 Yippee : I commented too soon, I went out to close the trash bin (the wind, you know) and darned if I didn't have to walk thru a snow flurry. And I think it is STILL snowing out there.
20171024 20:18 GHiler : Yippee you are so lucky
20171024 20:23 Yippee : But, but, isn't the temp. in
20171024 20:25 Yippee : Calif. supposed to be around 100 degrees? That's quite a difference from west coast to the middle of the country.
20171027 14:31 GHiler : Cold has arrived in KC
20171029 00:01 Marleen : Chilly in Philly.... Philly NEW game :)
20171030 19:11 GHiler : Good game "Chilly" Marleen
20171030 21:59 jimbo : KAY D--High Hill challenging game !
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