Commentlist of Taipei

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20171101 13:35 GHiler : Happy All Souls Day!!
20171102 13:37 GHiler : I apologize, yesterday was All Saints Day and today is All Souls Day
20171102 17:24 GHiler : Marleen, XO not as easy at it looks - good game
20171107 19:43 GHiler : unable to put comment in
20171107 19:43 GHiler : quiet at diner lately - weather must be a hinder and now I can comment
20171108 16:54 Marleen : We in Delaware Valley, feel for you :)
20171109 00:14 Marleen : Hello Jimmbo
20171109 00:15 Marleen : Jimmbo meet Jimbo, Jimbo meet Jimmbo :)
20171112 00:58 Yippee : I stop in for coffee every so often, Flubby, so you are not all alone. Maybe everyone is snowed in.
20171112 23:20 GHiler : Busy busy but live the company that stops in
20171113 20:16 GHiler : meant to say love the company
20171114 19:45 GHiler : New Game - FROWN
20171114 21:38 Marleen : frown is a good one
20171115 18:52 GHiler : Nick you played so many games - way to go and come play the other games too that people have made for our enjoyment.
20171117 12:36 Marleen : Phillies, Eagles, Flyers and 76ers are NEW... :) Yes I'm a Philly Gal.... Coffee is Hot :)
20171119 20:18 Yippee : Hi, everyone! Hope someone has made the coffee at the diner this afternoon. It's kind of cold and spitting snow out there. I really need my coffee.
20171121 05:34 Yippee : Ahh ! Thanks for the coffee. It was good. I do enjoy the snow. Fun to see all the tracks out back and try to figure out what kind of critter made them. And it is pretty, after all!
20171121 19:13 GHiler : Yippee, I really need your snow
20171122 22:36 jimbo : Happy Turkey Days to all ! Are we going to have an all Pensylvania Super Bowl ? And who will win the Toilet Bowl ? Cleveland,NY Giants,SF,or sobGreen Bay or Arizonia ?
20171124 14:37 Marleen : Hope its a PA Super Bowl :) Would make my men happy...
20171124 14:38 Marleen : Christmas New (Merry) ... Coffee hot, going out to shop for the girls, need coffee....
20171129 18:16 jimbo : Wow!!!Comment board empty!!!
20171130 19:16 GHiler : Been to busy to sign on and type, been getting my coffee elsewhere on the go
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