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20180103 22:08 Marleen : This message is for the 'Snow' Queen... put a net over Philly and take it to your yard... xo
20180104 01:15 Yippee : Hi, Marleen. Getting a bit of snow, are you? It is snowing here, too. Justy lightly, and the temp. is plus 2 and dropping. But I always cheer when it is above zero, don't you? Have a great day!
20180104 14:05 Marleen : Yippee, I'm a 60 and up gal now... dislike Winter anymore, getting around is hard to do in this mess... Besafe xo
20180105 19:24 GHiler : You tell em Flubby but I would love to have the snow at my place we only getting frigid temps here
20180105 20:50 laurie : You do know that people have died as a result of the blizzard. They probably didn't enjoy the blizzard.
20180106 06:21 Yippee : We here in the UP didn't really get a blizzard, but we definitely dropped into the deep freeze. The current temp. is minus 13. A person can really get cold out there. Think WARM!
20180106 06:31 Yippee : It'
20180106 06:34 Yippee : Try that again--It's a good thing that there is hot coffee available at the Taipei Diner when I come in out of the cold!!!
20180106 13:55 Marleen : Each to there own, enjoyment of the weather... Happy for those who love it, But, I am a 3 season person :) Coffee is HOT... xo
20180106 20:02 Yippee : Ohhh, thanks for the coffee, i need it to fortify me. I'm heading out to fill the bird feeders. The temp. is PLUS 7, which is much better than the minus 22 last night!!!
20180106 21:28 jimbo : Do clock hands turn clockwise or counterclockwise?BOTH.Looking at the clock-clockwise.Looking from the clock-counterwise.
20180106 21:42 Yippee : jimbo, how did ypo get into the clock?
20180106 22:03 Yippee : Now, if I was a spider, mnaybe I could get in behind the hands. I found a spider hiding in my bathroom scales. How much did I weigh? One medium size spider!!!
20180107 02:53 jimbo : Remove the glass,turn your head.
20180107 22:30 Yippee : Jimbo, I tried, guess I need a mirror. The temp is PLUS 23, I'll have to dig a hole in my 8 inches of snow and see if there is any flowers blooming. It muist be Spring, right?
20180109 02:17 jimbo : Stay inside Yippee---Just a January Thaw .
20180109 21:00 Marleen : Heat wave is coming to Philly, 40 to maybe 60s this week :) I'll take it :)
20180113 01:33 jimbo : WINTER IS BACK.MILWAUKEE WENT FROM 59 TO 14.
20180114 02:00 Yippee : Winter never left up north. Our temp. right now is minus seven and dropping.
20180115 23:00 GHiler : Well Yippee, your weather has traveled down to KC and we are in the negative now and tomorrow and schools already closing for tomorrow
20180115 23:00 GHiler : but say on Saturday we should be in the 50s
20180117 04:59 Yippee : The temp. is minus zero right now, but, we, too, are supposed to hop up to above freezing in a few days. Have to dig out some summer clothes.
20180117 13:20 Marleen : Well White stuff keeps falling from the sky... O well 'craft' day... Coffee Hot :)
20180117 22:23 GHiler : Send it to me Marleen
20180118 00:18 Marleen : Ginnie, not enough to send TG... xo
20180119 21:57 Yippee : Hi, everyone! It's 42 degrees out there. A taste of summer! Going to melt all my snow!
20180120 18:32 jimbo : Yippiee---Fresh snow is on it's way.But,it won't be around too log.
20180120 18:33 jimbo : Sorry,long is spelled l-o-n-g,not log.
20180125 22:11 Yippee : Hi, everyone! Just popped in to get some hot coffee. Hope you are all doping fine and having the kind of weather you enjoy! 24 here and six or so of nice fresh snow.
20180125 22:17 Yippee : That was supposed to be DOING. Kind of an interesting typo, ought to catch folks attention. And I did it again with the word ought. Fixed it this time!
20180126 17:11 Marleen : Hello Yippee, Coffee just made and a cake:)
20180126 19:41 GHiler : Yum I want cake
20180128 00:00 FLUBBY : HI ALL A BIT CHILLY
20180128 01:48 Yippee : Me, too! What flavor of cake?
20180128 19:34 Marleen : Mark made a box cake... yellow with chocolate chip frosting...
20180129 19:38 GHiler : Had to have cake so I made one for Taipei even tho I not very good at it
20180130 23:03 Yippee : Just came around to say "Hi", but if there is any cake left, I'll take a slice.
20180131 00:30 jimbo : ME TOO !
20180131 16:40 GHiler : Plenty of cake left, help yourself to a piece and goes great with Marleen's favorite diner coffee
20180131 21:27 Marleen : We have chocolate surprise cupcakes... and coffee
20180131 21:28 Marleen : Cupcakes with variety of candy bars melted inside:)
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