Your help is need in build locomotives. Sort the pieces in the right place so that each locomotive is of one color and five pieces long.
Certain rules have to be followed. The beginning of a locomotive may be placed only in the first field on the left.
Any other part may be place only in an empty space if the piece to the left of the space would connect properly (by form AND color) to that piece that you want to place there.
If you put all the locomotives together correctly
or if there is not move left, then you will get an appropiate message.
If you find the game to frustrating you might want to try the shipyard.
You can play more of My Games
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to complain. The Game was programmed by Armin Kielack in JavaScript.
The last game that I had worked on this website is the tetris game
The most played games on my website are currently
Jump into Lines,
Marble Solitaire,
Sokoban, , and
This is just the current Top Ten of the complete list of games on this website.
Copyright by
Armin Kielack Javascript Games - last modified: