Commentlist of Taipei

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20170701 23:48 Marleen : Hello Juan, welcome :)
20170702 18:34 GHiler : Don't forget to play the other games named in blue lettering
20170703 22:02 GHiler : OUrs might turn out to be a wet one, calling for storms all day long
20170705 16:59 GHiler : TrumpRussia and ..sugar.plum and fjd you would also like the other games below in blue lettering, Thank you Bobsofine
20170706 20:53 Yippee : Took me almost 1/2 hour to get that "beer"! A person could get mighty thirsty waiting.
20170706 22:54 GHiler : Sorry Yippee, got it on 2nd try
20170709 01:30 Yippee : And Good Evening back at ya, Flubby!
20170709 19:38 Yippee : Is the diner open? I need a cuppa coffee. Oh, well, guess I could make my own, eh? And, by the way, Good Afternoon, everyone! :-)
20170709 22:56 Marleen : Yippee, coffee is always hot here :) Good Afternoon to you too :)
20170710 02:11 Yippee : Oh, good, just black, please. And I hope you have a donut to go with it. And I know there's always good people around to talk with.
20170710 21:00 GHiler : Hello out there to everyone, don't forget to play the awesome games below in blue lettering
20170710 21:42 GHiler : Hi T, that is what I all by sister also
20170713 03:35 Yippee : Hi, everyone! Kind of stormy around here. Seem to have lost my TV connection, guess I'll have to play on the computer instead.
20170713 14:44 GHiler : Morning Yippee we have storms around my city also, My favorite game that I created is 4 Corners, it is a hard one but I so enjoy playing it
20170713 21:52 Marleen : H H H in 90s in Philly, its a 'heat wave'... won't be on here long, old lap top, can't take the heat, so Peace Out xo
20170717 14:36 GHiler : Another weekend over and start of a new week, at least I am on Friday
20170718 18:43 GHiler : HOT HOT HOT NO FUN DURING DAY
20170719 16:02 GHiler : New game "ON" pretty easy but I liked it
20170720 21:32 Marleen : Heat is ON.... water water and more water:) Besafe all
20170724 14:55 Marleen : Go 80s in Philly morning. Coffee is hot and pear upside down cake :)
20170726 14:46 GHiler : Morning everyone, have a great day playing your favorite games and dont forget on Taipei to play all the other games that are listed and made for each of us and not just layout1
20170727 13:14 Marleen : New ... PM, The, End.... Enjoy
20170727 13:49 Marleen : and New, Old.... that is it for now :)
20170728 14:37 GHiler : Great games Marleen
20170728 15:21 Marleen : Up and Down NEW :)
20170728 19:49 GHiler : Marleen, a couple more good games
20170729 15:46 Marleen : Thanks, have a great weekend :)
20170731 16:50 GHiler : Another Monday and another day closer to RETIREMENT
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I have also wrote a new sokoban interface to play the currently more than 80 sokoban level in isometric 3d.

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