Commentlist of Taipei

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20170806 17:30 Yippee : Good morning on this beautiful, sunny, Sunday. The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping. Hope you all have a super day!
20170807 19:29 GHiler : It is cooler temps here in KC now and enjoying it, last Sat we got 4 inches of rain
20170809 12:00 Marleen : Hello, been sick, but, working on getting better each day, down to a 'cough' ... hopefully that stops soon. ...
20170809 14:46 GHiler : Yep drying out and due for more rain tonight and tomorrow and Marleen glad to hear you are on the mend loved seeing the pics of the girls, growing up too fast
20170811 20:07 GHiler : Marleen, hope you are 100% well now
20170812 13:06 Marleen : Nope, but thanks for thinking of me... still working on it :)
20170813 23:02 Marleen : Flubby, kind of right, it started out allergy's, then, I had a infection in sinus, then bad cough, fever, chills, and runs... But I did what I had to, and feeling much better...
20170815 20:28 Marleen : Hello Everyone, On the road to normal... not that I an normal, but I'm feeling 100% better, stronger..... Coffee is HOT
20170816 15:51 GHiler : So happy on road to normal, coffee tastes great
20170818 18:59 GHiler : I live in Kansas City and all the hype about the eclipse on 21st is numerous, we are forcasted to have cloudy rain storms day and most likely wont even be able to see it
20170821 14:53 GHiler : Happy Eclipse Day!!!! Kansas City MO is cloudy and storms this afternoon so not a good day for it
20170822 11:16 Marleen : WOW, ... :)
20170822 18:44 GHiler : Right at the totality point the dark black clouds moved over it but got to see it partially up to then so we are good
20170822 18:45 GHiler : My home got a total of 7 inches of rain yesterday
20170822 18:51 GHiler : 3 inches early afternoon and 4 inches last night - major flooding in the whole city
20170824 20:50 Yippee : Good afternoon, all! The temp. dropped down to 33 degrees last night. Fall is coming, winter right behind?
20170824 20:55 Marleen : WOW, little chilly, xo
20170824 21:18 Yippee : I just checked and tonights forecast is even colder. Frost warning, below freezing! My birds are all going to be flying off.
20170829 16:44 GHiler : Morning world, life is grand and living the good life
20170829 19:29 Marleen : Prayers for all in Texas...
20170829 19:45 Yippee : Good afternoon, all. I was going to say the sun is shining, but it got covered by a cloud. Oh, well, guess I'll just wait and see if sneaks back out for me. Have a great day!
20170829 20:16 Yippee : The sun is back! Guess I'll go out and feed the birds. Back later!
20170831 19:41 Marleen : Hello World, Yippee, Sun us playing peek-a-boo here in Philly :)
20170831 22:13 GHiler : Howdy Ho Ho Ho World - have a great safe Holiday
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