Commentlist of Taipei

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20180402 17:41 GHiler : It was a great Easter for us, snowed yesterday and had a roaring fire going for several hours, wonderful day
20180404 01:23 FLUBBY : GOT SNOW MONDAY
20180405 23:34 Marleen : New... this, and, that ....
20180407 17:56 GHiler : I think snow is heading your way for next week
20180408 20:38 Marleen : Say its not so .... xo
20180410 20:54 Marleen : Sunny and 50 ish today, Ginnie, going into 70s in a few days... hopefully no more white stuff :)
20180411 17:57 GHiler : We are mid 70s today and tomorrow
20180423 00:45 Yippee : Good afternoon, everyone. It's finally looking like spring out there. Our snow is melting away. Flowers next, maybe?
20180423 15:17 Marleen : SPRING is finally in Philly :) Coffee is hot
20180423 15:52 GHiler : I am finally ready for planting season of veggies and flowers
20180426 14:11 Marleen : 60's kind of day :) Out and about, later ... Coffee hot, too. :)
20180426 14:49 GHiler : Yes will get to 70 here today but I think sat and sun might be near 80 and love the coffee
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The lastest new game on this website is still the truck sorting game that I have done to replace the train game.

The most played games on my website are currently Taipei, RoofDrop, PipeDrop, Jump into Lines, Sudoku, Marble Solitaire, Memory Tetris Sokoban, , and Domino.
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